LISTEN Experiencing Parochial School from a Black Perspective
March 13, 2016
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Our Lady of Consolation Family Life Center 1235 Badger Court
Program Goal: To engage divergent individuals or groups in facilitated conversations that foster critical thinking, encourage empathy and promote understanding.
The Conversation: How is the experience of Catholic School education different for people of color, particularly Black students, versus Caucasian students?
Ground Rules: Each person will speak without interruption. All responses will be respectful, even if the responder’s reaction is emotional.
Opening: Music by: “A Sign of the Times”
Moderator: Toni Tupponce
Panel: Elizabeth Hayes Thomas Mack Mary Jane Dawson
Timothy Hayes Billie Moore
Process: Each panelist will be asked to share his or her experience for 3 – 5 minutes. The moderator will ask questions to help garner conversation and panelists may ask each other questions for understanding. Members of the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions before the close of the session. In closing, panelists will be asked to share any way that their opinions or thoughts on the subject have changed because of the conversation, how the current situation could be improved and whether they heard anything in the discussion that they were not aware of. Finally, members of the audience will have the opportunity to respond to what they heard and to recommend steps to foster improvement.
“Listen” is a program of
A Sign of the Times of the Carolinas, a 501 C (3) organization whose mission is to preserve the legacy of the African Diaspora through music, dance and spoken word.