December 14th at 5:00 PM the Music Ministry's first Annual Christmas Concert. There is no cost but they are asking for donations and the purchase of ads to be placed in their program. All proceeds will be for the Capital Campaign. Hosted at Our Lady of Consolation, Parish Life Center.
We come together to pray for God's healing blessings Our God is a loving God who makes a way out of no way, whose love for us is mighty and unfailing - - and so we come together in faith to pray, to allow God to bless as only He can. This healing service is open to everyone – Catholics and non-Catholics. Please invite your family, friends and neighbors. Saturday, May 25, 2024; Doors open: 9:30 AM Program: 10AM – 1PM Registration by Monday, May 20 is required. Please send your name, phone number and number of persons attending the event to [email protected]
Click above to visit for registration & information. The tournament will be held at The Tradition Golf Club 3800 Prosperity Church Road, Charlotte 28269 on Friday May 17, 2024. FBO Feeding the hungry and supporting Youth Outreach
You are not going to want to miss these events. Click the headline for details about a YAM social outing, our Spring Dance, Catholic Charity's 36th Annual Spring Fling, and how to get tickets for a group outing to the Belk Theater.
As a part of the upcoming event, "AFRICA IN AMERICA - Examining Myths, Uncovering Truths, Let's Talk!" please complete a quick survey found by following the QR Code in the attached document and thank you.
Be sure to register for this important discussion, curated by our Black Culture Commission on April 13, at 9AM in the Parish Life Center. Click the headline for more info & to find out how to register for this event where meals will be provided.
As we work to update our website, please confirm meeting times with organizers or by reaching out to our communication commission inbox at [email protected]
It has been said that Catholic Faith Formation is a form of evangelization & that evangelization is the fundamental mission of the Catholic Church. I spoke with our chief catechist today. Please click here for important dates for upcoming faith formation.
This fish is not to be missed. Please join us on March 22 for our Men's Group's final Lenten Fish Fry of 2024. Hot fish dinners will be available for purchase between 11:30 AM & 6:30 PM at the Parish Life Center
Our Lady of Consolation Annual Lenten Fish Fry will be held every Friday 11:30 am - 6:30 pm. Carry out ONLY. Plates include a ice tea and you can pick up a dessert while you are there from some of the best cooks at OLC! See you for the first one on Friday, February 16th! Click on the flyer for more information!
St Martin de Porres food pantry would like to invite you to attend a World Day of Prayer service for the Sick on Saturday, February 10, 2024, from 12:00-2:00 pm. A hot lunch will be served. Please RSVP to 704-817-8813 to reserve your spot. You must RSVP by Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
DVD/USB recordings are now available for the Legends of Soul Concert featuring Stephanie Massey. All proceeds going to Audio-Visual Ministry, which has become a vital link for our homebound parishioners to our Masses and events. Questions? Call or text Catherine White: 843-324-7579 or Email: [email protected]
Join us for A Revival of Spirit The Black Culture Commission invites you to join the family of Our Lady of Consolation Church, Parish Life Center (1235 Badger Court) in "A Renewal of Spirit" on October 23-25 at 7 PM. Our revivalist is : Fr. Ajani K. Gibson, Pastor of St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, New Orleans, LA. A New Orleans Native, Father Gibson attended the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies and a Master of Arts in Liturgical Studies. In the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Fr. Gibson assists with the Archdiocesan Office of Worship. He serves in several advisory roles for initiatives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop, including the national Eucharistic Revival and the Journeying Together Cultural Diversity Initiative. We hope you will share with your family and friends. We hope to have you with us in person or in prayer!
ALL parish youth are invited to attend a special 11:00 a.m. Mass Celebration on the 3rd Sunday of every month: "Youth Sunday". All roles during the Mass will be performed by our youth and they will be given priority seating together. The homily will be focused on young people, so that they may better absorb the teachings of the faith and Jesus Christ. Volunteer positions during the Mass are open to youth of the parish who have already received 1st Holy Communion (regardless of enrollment in Faith Formation or Youth in Action): Ushers, Announcements, Readers of the Word, Responsorial Psalm, Prayers of the Faithful, Gift bearers, Capital Campaign Prayer Stewardship is an excellent way to grow in faith & knowledge about God and The Church. Families can sign up on-line at the parish website.
Our Lady of Consolation Annual BBQ and Chicken Sale, sponsored by the Men's Group, will take place on October 28,2023 from 11:00 AM-6:00 PM. All meals will be curbside/takeout only.