Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a restoration of the ancient practice of initiation into the Catholic Church. It is a process of discerning and ritualizing stages of conversion leading to sacramental initiation. At OLC, RCIA is designed for adults who consciously and freely seek the living God, and have the desire to enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their minds and hearts. By God’s help, they will be strengthened spiritually during the process, and at the proper time, will fruitfully receive the Sacraments.
The process of RCIA at OLC is designed to be a spiritual journey of adults that varies according to the many forms of God’s grace, the free cooperation of the individual, the actions of the Church, and the circumstances of time and place.
The goal of RCIA at OL is, through focusing on Jesus, Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, if four-fold: (1) To promote the knowledge of faith; (2) To promote meaningful participation in liturgical worship and the sacramental life of the Church; (3) To teach moral formation, prayer and spirituality; and, (4) To lead believers to become true disciples of Christ. This goal is accomplished through the three aspects of the catechumenal process: (1) Liturgy – Helping participants encounter God during the Mass; (2) Catechesis – Helping participants understand and embrace Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Catholic Catechism in their fullness; (3) Family – The OLC parish community through its worship, service and catechesis offering the invitation and support that is necessary for men and women to be initiated into the Catholic faith.
While RCIA is viewed by many as being primarily for those individuals who are interested in initiation into the Catholic Church, at OLC, RCIA is to be known and promoted as also being for those Catholics who are returning after some absence from the Church, and those active Catholics who would like to refresh and increase their knowledge of Catholic teaching.
RCIA at OLC can be summed up in the words contained in The National Directory of Catechesis, “The aim of catechesis is to lead believers to a deeper knowledge of Christ and the Church, and a firm commitment to follow Him.”
If you are interested in RCIA and want additional information, contact the Parish Office.